Music Review: Caddywhompus, “Odd Hours”

Music Review: Caddywhompus, “Odd Hours”


Lifelong friends, singer and guitarist Chris Rehm and drummer Sean Hart, the New Orleans-based duo who make up Caddywhompus, have released their third studio album, “Odd Hours.” Over the course of their nine-year career, the duo keeps getting better. Because of their shared history, they have the same adolescent musical influencers, which you can unmistakably hear in their music to this day. Their lifelong friendship also allows the duo to take risks – risks that certainly pay off – like the quick, exaggerated tempo changes within songs that makes “Odd Hours” unforgettable. Highlights on the album include opener “Decent,” and “Waiting Room,” a dizzying, manic jam that throws the listener for a loop on multiple occasions.

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